
Face2face congress
Face2face congress

face2face congress

Many messages of appreciation and thanks for the event were received, repaying us of the enormous organizational effort.

face2face congress

12 Keynote and Plenary sessions, 23 Semi-Plenary sessions, 146 oral communications, 56 special sessions and 581 e-posters enriched the scientific program. The digital edition of the ICOH International Congress was successfully held with the participation of more than 1,400 delegates from 98 countries.Įven if very different from the traditional face-to-face congress organized every three years, the digital format has secured the exchange and sharing of state-of-the-art information, knowledge, and experience within the ICOH network and beyond.

face2face congress

Our goal is to have a live, in person, face-to-face Congress with safety precautions in place but are. Univ.Prof Dr.The ICOH Organizers take the opportunity to thank all the participants in the ICOH 2022 global digital Congress which took place on February 6-10, 2022! 9th World Congress on Womens Mental Health. Wenn das nicht schon genug Gründe zur Teilnahme wären, so ist Wien mit seinem einzigartigen Flair ohnehin einen Besuch wert …Īls Kongresspräsident lade ich Sie daher herzlich ein und freue ich mich, Sie beim CEDA 2022 Kongress in Wien zu begrüßen! Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. In zwei Tagen erhalten Sie damit in spannenden Formaten einen hervorragenden Überblick über den State-of-the-Art der klinischen Diabetologie, der die Praxis Ihrer Patientenbetreuung voranbringen wird. View International Face2Face Fundraising Congress & Summits (location in Austria, revenue, industry and description. Das Kongresshotel und die Networking Events bieten Ihnen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, sich mit ExpertInnen aus dem In- und Ausland persönlich auszutauschen. Auch junge DiabetologInnen sind aufgerufen, Ihre Arbeiten einem internationalen Publikum zu präsentieren. We are delighted that Belfast ICC could accommodate a like for like meeting in September, allowing us to offer all the benefits of a face to face BTS. Brisante Themen werden für Sie in Pro&Con und Meet-the-Expert Sitzungen diskutiert. Der CEDA 2022 Kongress Wien vereint aktuelle Wissenschaft mit den neuesten Tools der praktischen Diabetologie. Mit CEDA 2022 haben Sie nach Jahren erstmals wieder die Möglichkeit an einem internationalen Diabetes-Kongress als Präsenzveranstaltung in Wien teilzunehmen!ĭie Kongresse der CEDA (Zentraleuropäische Diabetes-Gesellschaft) bringen Ihnen als TeilnehmerInnen die Fortschritte der klinischen Diabetologie in einem nationalen und internationalen Kontext nahe. Join in to this international diabetology experience! As the current CEDA president I would be delighted to welcome you at the CEDA 2022 Congress in Vienna!

face2face congress

If these would not be enough reasons, Vienna itself with its culture, coffee houses and imperial architecture is worth a visit anyway … Face2Face, the congress dedicated to facial surgery and cosmetic treatments, settled for the 6th consecutive year at the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez in Cannes on September 9 and 10. Overall, the CEDA 2022 Congress Vienna will bring you the state-of-the-art of clinical diabetology in stimulating formats that will significantly advance patient management. Face2Face, the show dedicated to new rejuvenation and beautification techniques of the face and body showcased the latest innovations in terms of aesthetics. The congress hotel and networking events provide numerous opportunities to discuss with international experts. Especially young diabetologists may take the opportunity to present their papers to an international audience. Hot topics will be discussed in pro&con and meet-the-expert sessions. you to a classic, face-to-face congress of pediatric surgery in Prague. CEDA 2022 Congress Vienna brings together current science and innovative tools of practical diabetology. How will primary production react to increasing atmospheric CO2 and temperatures. It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 7th World Congress of the World. CEDA 2022 Vienna is an exceptional opportunity to participate face2face in an international diabetes congress in the beautiful city of Vienna!ĬEDA (Central European Diabetes Association) congresses present cutting edge clinical diabetology in a national and international context.

Face2face congress